Select File ... Use example dataset🤔This example dataset was obtained from Human lysozyme type-C AA sequence (UniProt ID : P61626) as a query.
🌊🏄♂️ First, the Local-BLAST (v2.11.0) was executed with the E-value at 10e-5 on Swiss-Prot database to collect the homologous sequences. And CD-HIT (v4.8.1) reduced the redundancy at a criterion of 70% sequence identity. Finary, MAFFT (v7.475) with '--auto' option constructed the MSA. :
Background distribution🤔To calculate Relative Entropy in each site of a MSA, 8 types of amino acid distribution as background distribution are available in this program.
✅ NOTE that 'Swiss-Prot' represents the AA composition in Swiss-Prot database. In a similar way, 'extracellular proteins', 'membrane proteins' and 'intracellular proteins' represent the AA compositions in each type of protein. 'Non-biassed distribution' equally gives 0.05 to all of the animo acid probabilities. :
Sequence weighting method🤔2 types of sequence weighting method to reduce redundancy in an input MSA are implemented in this program, the Position-Based method by Henikoff-Henikoff and the Distance-Based method by Vingron-Argos. :
Window size🤔By setting this window, incorporating sequential neighboring sites can be taken into account among the conservation scores.
[e.g.] If the window size is 3, a set of 3 conservation scores on either side of site n (n-3, n-2, n-1, n+1, n+2 and n+3) are taken into account as moving average. :
Tolerate non-standard residues🤔If Yes, the program tolerates non-standard residues such as 'B', 'Z' and 'X' etc. in an input dataset by converting them into gap symbols.
If No, the program halts anyway if an input dataset includes these non-standard residues. :
Colorize the residues🤔If Yes, residues in each site are colorized based on their 6 types of sterochemical propaty as follows:
Aliphatic ( A, V, L, I, M, C )
Aromatic ( F, W, Y, H )
Polar ( S, T, N, Q )
Positive ( K, R )
Negative ( D, E )
Special conformations ( G, P ) :
Colorize the scores🤔Make the conservation scores have a color gradient in response to their values as follows:
Thermo : ■■■■■■ Ocean : ■■■■■■ Flame : ■■■■■■ Neon : ■■■■■■ V a p o r W a v e : ■■■■■■ :